Holy. Shit. I am SOOOOOOOOO tired!!!
This has been one crazy busy weekend. There was so much to do, and so little time for sleeping! haha, ill tell you a bit about it now!
Friday - So on Friday I left school around 12:30... I was at kindergarten for the day and the kids were absolutely amazing! They all seemed to have a lot of fun with me since my job is basically to play with them! pretty easy if you ask me! After kindergarten I went for a drive since I figured I'd get bored if I just sat around and did nothing... So I drove up to Bandai-san... aka the mountain that I will be skiing on every day come winter! It's actually really huge so I'm pumped to have a good sized ski hill about 10 minutes from my door (they also have night skiing!!!). Then I went over to Katie's and we had pasta and garlic bread.. It was AWESOME! We also tried watching Lost in Translation but everyone was so tired from the first week at school.
Saturday - This is nomihodai day!!! Freakin shiza man.... This shit is crazy! If you havent already picked realised, this is a thing in Japan where you pay for a certain amount of time, and get unlimited alcohol. Its awesome! Needless to say we got pretty trashed and then headed off to Red Ink (Wakamatsu's 1 "club"). The bar actually had food in it, so I think I spent half the night eating curry rice, and the other half drinking and dancing! It was hella fun! When we left the bar (there was a group of about 10 of us or so) one of our guys flipped his finger at a car driving by. The guys pulled over, jumped out of the car and tried to start shit with us! They were pushing us around (not me, I was like fuck that) kicking ppl's shins and just being pricks. That was all settled and we moved on... No harm done, apart from some bruised egos.
Sunday - Sunday I was up at 6:30 to head back to Bandai for SPORTS DAY! I was dreading this because I couldnt sleep in, but it turned out to be an amazing time! I was part of team 1 and our team coach actually spoke relatively good english! I was the guest of honour at this sports day and had to give the "opening speech". I basically said thank you very much for including me in your community, i really feel at home already! blah bla blah, let the games begin!!!! I got loud cheers and stuff, so it felt pretty rewarding!
I was then a member of the team for the 1000m relay race, and was given the longest leg of the race at 200m. Now, to put into perspective, I was pretty freakin hung over... So this was one challenging race! We ended up finishing first though, and we got some random price... An egg boiler, I think!? Lol... The cherry on the cake was, however, about 10 minutes after the race was over... Having walked around for a bit and begun to feel a bit quesy I was like, I need to get the hell out of here.... So I told my team leader that I was gonna go home for a bit and come back and while I'm walking through my school's parking lot, I BEGIN TO BARF!!!! Sooooo embarrassing, not to mention my students that could see me doing it! Oh well... then we were a part of the tug-of-war and lost pretty badly! This was one giant tug of war too - pretty fun! The day was then over and our team came in 12/16... Not great, but hey, it was fun!
I was then asked to come to an afterparty and did so happily! They were SO hospitible and loved everything I did! Hahah, they gave me this soup called ------- i cant remember... and they were ALL watching me eat it like it was poisonous or something! Anyways, it was really awesome that I was invited into a traditional Japanese setting.... The towns people here are really friendly and welcoming and definently made me feel at home!
Good weekend I'd say!
Btw - I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE being able to send emails from my cell phone!! I'm able to keep people updated on what I'm doing by sending emails, pics and even movies!!! It's awesome and SOOOO useful! ;)