Yes, it is true. I will be venturing to the land that has borrowed my great name... THAILAND THAT IS! (get it, Ty - Thai? eh eh ;)) I booked my tickets today and just need to run up to 7/11 (that was not a misread, I said 7/11 aka the convenience store - they seriously are convenient here) to pay for it now! The flight will be around 575-600$ CDN round trip so it is damn cheap.
I will be flying out of Tokyo on Dec 20, at 5:30 PM and coming back from Bangkok on Jan 2 at 11:55 PM. I'll be going with my traveling partner extraordinaire, Ms Amy Baker, and some of our friends. We are planning on doing 2 full moon parties (google it to find out some more) which should be amazing! Thats where I'll be spending my Christmas Eve/Day... IN PHUKET (I'm gonna miss you loved ones, but needless to say, some of you will be on my mind :))! I'm a little nervous since this is where the tsunami was a couple years ago, but what are the chances eh?
I have already been looking at flights to Phuket/Cambodia (we will see Angor Wat) and stuff there is DIRT cheap. TO fly round trip from Bangkok to Phuket will cost us a whopping 50$ haha! its awesome.
Just thought I'd up date you on this exciting info! More to come as the plans are set into place!
1 comment:
tyland is going to be tyriffic.
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