Friday, October 12, 2007

It's beginning to get cold :(

It's beginning to get very cold in Japan and that means winter is coming! I am really excited for winter since I live 10 minutes from one of the biggest ski resorts in Fukushima-ken, ALTS Bandai (google it), I will be traveling to Thailand in December and I will be getting a visitor from Canada in February (wOOOOOOOOOOOt!). So all in all, winter looks to be shaping up to something awesome. The thing that WONT be awesome, is living in Japan during the winter. The houses here have NO insulation so it basically feels the same inside as it does outside. I was talking to my neighbor Arthur about this yesterday and asking him what I can expect to pay for heating. He smirked at me and said, I pay about 3man a month for kerosene (how we heat the house). 3 man = about 300$.... A MONTH!!!! I personally think that's insane. Apparently my pred lived in his bedroom for the entire winter, and Im starting to think that isnt such a bad idea... Im currently lying in bed and my fingers are freezing from typing!!! Oh well, I guess all that body hair will finally pay off for something hahahaha :p.

This weekend I'm going camping at Lake Hibara for Vicky's bday. Thankfully we're staying in a cabin, which should mean a little more heat, I hope! I'm not too sure who will be going, but I think it will be fun!

Also, last weekend we went canyoning ( and it was a crazy time! It was about 20 degrees out so the water was pretty cold. We had 4 layers of wet suit so we were all able to stay relatively warm.... well at least I thought so, most others didnt :)! It was crazy sliding down 20 m waterfalls, getting banged up, jumping off smaller waterfalls and going down streams... a lot of fun!!! That day was followed by a full moon party where Beth and I just went crazy on energy drinks and vodka! She ended up loosing her scarf and shirt near the end of the night and then went on a mission to find it again... it was pretty funny watching her be sooooo determined to find these things! In the end, she found her shirt and her scarf is being mailed to her (in Japan they NEVER steal, its awesome!).

Some funny things from school this week. Apparently some kids learned some new words and were trying to practice them! They came up to me and said "do you like p/tennis?" I was like "ohh yea, I do like tennis!" They then repeated do you like PENnis? I was like urgh youre bad! haha. Then they said "this has been a great sexperience" and continued it through the rest of the week! Where do they learn these words!? ahaha so random.

Well this was a long, incoherent at times post, but its cold. Im going to put my hands back under the covers and try to finish the Bourne Ultimatum which I was watching until I passed out last night.

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